7/19/20 – Stormy Seas

Daddy said you woke up right after I left to bike. When I got home, you told me that you got dressed (well half way – no pants), brushed your teeth and hair, all by yourself. You also told me you didn’t want to go on the boat, that you’d rather have a home day & play with Harry.

I made breakfast then we packed up to go on the boat. We met Grandma Noot at the dock. We went to lunch at Pops in Venice & we saw Ms. Moe & Jack Daniels there. We took them for a short ride on the boat because it was getting ready to storm. You were in the back talking to Jack Daniels and John. You were definitely running the show Lol! As we headed back to the dock the sky was black south of us. We narrowly missed the storm and it was huge. When we were in the channel almost to the dock a huge wind blew by. We were packing up our things & Grandma Noot put your watches in her purse. You told her “don’t forget to give me back my watches!!”

We got our stuff and ran to the car as it started to pour! We made it just in time! You were tired but didn’t sleep on the boat so I thought you might sleep in the car. You were making faces at daddy in the mirror, giggling. Then he started tickling you. We went home, played, watched a little tv, had dinner. I ran to the office for a minute to sign some things for Romo, Daddy texted me that you fell asleep during stories after your bath. You were out by 830! It was a super fun day.

I love you so much!