11/19/20 0 Mama, Switch Me Seats Please

You came to my bed & asked me “Mama, switch me seats please!” I have no idea what time it was…maybe 5am, but we both went back to sleep quickly. School dropped some cute pictures of you in the Sandbox app today. You and Lillian were filling each other’s buckets and it was so sweet. You love her. When I picked you up you showed me the necklace you made. You were so proud!

This week, school focused on how our actions affect others. You read the story “How Full Is Your Bucket.” I have been following up reminding you at home how we affect each others bucket when we are together. It is honestly a good reminder for both of us.

After school, we went to Cheesecake Factory for dinner. You insisted on changing into your power Elsa dress that lights up. When we ordered, you asked our server if she had rambutans in response to her question of french fries or fruit. Of course she had no idea what they are you chose fries instead lol. As usual, you wanted to do the escalators after dinner. We walked around the mall for a few minutes because it was decorated so pretty.

We headed home and you were dancing with Daddy. You told him ā€œIā€™m a boss!ā€ You were even standing on the bar dancing, which was giving me a heart attack! But I still took a quick video before making you get down lol! We went to bed at 10:30p again!!! Yikes!

I love you so much!!