12/27/20 – Watch Out Guys, I’m Coming In Hot!

You woke up this morning at 8:30am and immediately asked to ride your bike. It was freezing this morning, so I distracted you with your Toy Story characters. Daddy was playing clips from the movies and then you two would reenact them with your characters. He even played “Hay un amigo en mi” and you were trying to make Buzz dance flamenco!

After we played and had a snack, it was time to take down the Christmas tree. Unfortunately, I didn’t do a great job of watering it so it was extremely dry and it needed to go. This is the earliest I have ever taken a tree down! You weren’t too bummed about it and you helped take off all the ornaments.

Daddy took the lights off while we took your bike for a spin. I think we did at least 8-10 laps around the block then all of a sudden, you wanted to stop home “to take a break off.” You asked for a snack of “strawberries, pears and apples with peanut butter, but I want the apples, naked with no skin!” You pulled the chairs out to the driveway and sat there without moving until I got back! We ate our snack and when you finished, you wanted to ride some more so we took a few more laps.

I needed to go take a shower and you came inside with me. We got ready to go to Marina’s house for a fry party. Without hesitation, you jumped on Victor’s skateboard and with Daddy’s helping hand, you were catching on in no time! You played hard with all the kids and after dinner, you had nerf gun war with Victor & Daddy.

We went biking again when we got home. You showed your new bike to everyone who walked by. We stopped at home and Daddy was talking to Mike Bell across the street. You immediately wanted to go see Captain, but I told you he was already in bed. So instead, you showed him your bike, jumped on and showed him how you can ride. You were riding fast and went between the two of them and said “watch out guys, I’m coming in hot!”

We went inside and played a little then of course you wanted a snack. I made you a quick charcuterie plate while you watched some football with Daddy. When you finished, I asked to you to come to bed and you gladly gave Daddy a goodnight kiss and followed me down the hall. I showed you some videos from when you were 2 years old and you couldn’t believe it. You kept commenting on how curly your hair was lol. After that, you rolled right over and went to sleep. I think this new bike is wearing you out!!!

I love you so much!