You slept in your bed all night and I had to try several times to wake you up this morning. When you finally woke up, you came into my bathroom and gave me a huge hug. You did your jobs, but the delay getting out of the house today was that you wanted to finish cleaning your toy kitchen. We had to return Ms. Sugar back to school today and you were excited to tell Ms. Amber about all the fun adventures you had with her this weekend.
After school you told Ms. Sandy that you wanted to hurry home to clean the house so it would look so nice when Daddy & I got home. When we got home you were drawing with your dot markers and making us pretty pictures. You ate a great dinner, did some more drawing with Daddy and then we watched a little bit of Peter Pan. We headed to bed to do a few Lingos and you snuggled and squirmed. You finally fell asleep around 9:30p after coming back out for more cauliflower and to potty twice.
I love you so much!