You woke up early and came to my room around 6:30a to snuggle. You were so proud that you slept in your bed all night. When you got in bed, you were very happy Harry was sleeping on my bed and you wanted to snuggle with him too. Daddy made your breakfast, you did your jobs & then we waved goodbye to him when he left for work. You told him to wave with both hands and then insisted “Honk your horn Daddy!”
When I picked you up from school, you were so excited to see me at the gate. You asked to stop at Circus Park to play. We did and you had me climbing all over everything even though I was in work clothes! You didn’t care that I didn’t have sneakers on!
After the park we headed home and you FaceTimed with Ms. Sandy in the car. You kept telling her how much you love her. She will be back to work next Monday & you are so excited about that.
We had dinner and then snuggled on the couch to watch Moana together. When Daddy got home, you had dinner again lol. After the movie, we took Harry and went to bed. We did a few lessons in kids lingos and then snuggled up and you fell asleep. I went back into your room twice to just kiss your forehead one more time. You have been eating like crazy and sleeping so much more so it seems a growth spurt is upon us! I can’t believe how fast you are growing!
I love you so much!