You came to my room around 5am and told me that you took your night pants off in your room before you came. You snuggled up next to me, wrapped your arms around me and drifted right back off to sleep. I had to wake you up this morning at 8am. You slept 12 hours!!!!
You went & got yourself dressed. When I reminded you that Ms. Sandy is coming back today and would be picking you up from school, you ran back to your room & insisted on putting on the dress she got you for Christmas. “I have to wear my butterfly dress because Ms. Sandy will love it!” I told you that dress doesn’t have butterflies on it and you said, “well, that’s what I call it!” You ate your breakfast in the car and colored a picture for her as well.
You were so excited when she picked you up from school. You couldn’t wait to show her how well you ride your big girl bike & you got to snuggle on the couch watching Ferdinand! As soon as I walked in the door, you ran out to my car to get your highlighters. You were waiting so patiently for me to get home because you wanted to show them to Sandy!
When Daddy & I got home it was time for more coloring lessons. We had to make Valentine’s cards for everyone. You were so excited about coloring that you didn’t even want to eat dinner!!! We took Harry for a walk & to get the mail. We got home around 8p and headed right to your room. You didn’t fall asleep until 9:30p because you were wiggle worming!
I love you so much!