You were loving on Daddy while we were having breakfast. You asked him “Daddy when I grow up will you marry me?” Daddy said “you will find someone who loves you as much as I do to marry you!” Of course this melts my heart any time, but to witness the tenderness between you two, today, on the 6 year anniversary of losing my Dad is even more poignant. I love how you love each other. I feel grateful that you are getting such an awesome Dad experience. I had one myself and it was something I will never forget.
Ms. Sandy brought you to my office so we could take Jackie to dinner. Daddy met us at the office. We headed to the Hub on Siesta and had a blast. I was hoping we would have time to catch the sunset but we didn’t finish dinner in time. You got to see baby Will on Facetime. You were waving to him and giving him kisses. Lots of dogs were out & I think you pet them all!! There were kids at the table next to us that you were playing with. The little blonde girl was also 4. Her mom couldn’t believe you were too! After dinner we grabbed gelato & you skipped across the street with Daddy. That was pretty adorable. We headed home. I took you straight to bed and fell asleep with you!!!!
I love you so much!