You and Daddy woke up before me, which is super unusual. After you pottied, you came and jumped on me to wake me up. I stayed in bed about 1o more minutes while you & Daddy went to the living room to snuggle and watch Incredibles 2. I made waffles while you played. Finally we showered and got dressed! We enjoyed a lazy day at home for the most part.
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We did run to look at the pool at the Meadows because we are considering joining this summer so you can swim. Fortunately, this will be our last summer without a pool! We also went to University Park golf pro shop so you could choose some fun colored golf balls! You were sitting in the car with crossed legs and I just couldn’t get over how grown you look!!! We went to lunch at Anna’s deli & you only ate about half a grilled cheese. Your appetite still hasn’t returned from the stomach bug you had last week!
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When we got home, Chrissy & Olivia came over to play. We made dinner, rode bikes and made chocolate chip cookies together! You asked Daddy to start the fire and we sat out there enjoying the cookies. You kept telling him you only had one cookie, but I’m pretty sure you had at least 3 cookies worth of dough!!! You said it didn’t count!
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After all the fun, we headed to bed. It was of course no surprise that you didn’t want to sleep. By 9:30p by the time you had drifted off to sleep….All day, every time I looked at you, I noticed your legs. You are growing, not just taller, but growing into a kid and not a little girl so much. It’s so bittersweet. At night, when you are sleeping, I just reflect, gratefully, on how I have a front row seat to watching you become your own little person. You are a bit more independent each day, but fortunately at bedtime, you still want to hold onto me. No matter what, my arms will always be open, to hold you, hug you, help you for the rest of your life!
I love you so much!!!