5/1/21 – Why Do You Have Your Boobs Out?

You slept until 8a then when you woke up, you watched some cartoons snuggled up with Daddy. We got ready and met Marcela and Eric at the lot to go over some things that needed to be finalized. You love exploring the lot and measured everything you could think of.

You were absolutely filthy when we left and even had dirt in your hair so we ran home, you took a shower & we met Grandma Weezie & her granddaughter Emily at Marina Jack for lunch. You ate great and behaved very well at lunch. You chatted Emily’s ear off and did your Puzzle Buzz. I’m so proud of you! We stopped by my office on the way home so Daddy could fix something for me. You were teacher and used the white board to have me draw parrots and other animals and write their names. I thought you might snooze on the way home because you didn’t get much sleep, but you didn’t. Daddy stopped to get the mail and you hung out the back window on the way back to the house.

When we got home, you were helping Daddy unload the car with your toys, baby stroller and snacks. You saw Jack Daniels outside working in his yard. You were “yelling” at him because he had no shirt on. You said “Jack Daniels, why do you have your boobs out?” lol. How hilarious! You came in and played, then you wanted to watch Moana. You looked a little droopy but didn’t sleep. Then we went through some things in your toy room to see what you wanted to send to storage or get rid of. You were really great about deciding so we could make room for your new toys from your birthday.

Fed was performing in Moana again so we went & took Daddy this time. You sat again so still and were so attentive to the show. The second Fed appeared on the stage, you pointed and said “there’s Fed!” Tonight’s show was amazing as well. We gave Fed hugs and you thanked the musical director and told her the show was great!

When we got home, you played with Daddy pretending you were a tiger cub on Secrets of the Zoo and he had to be the Vet. You had a “broken” leg & he had to make a cast out of rolled art paper!! lol I finally got you to come to your room. You asked to do Kids Lingos and I told you it’s 9p, it’s too late. You went to bed late last night, got up early this morning and didn’t nap. We put on your meditation and you were snoring in 7 minutes!!!!

I love you so much!