5/11/21 – Harold Goes To School

I woke you up this morning around 7:40a and you were happy especially considering how late you finally went to sleep. You asked for a french braid and chose your outfit. You were telling me something and said “Actionably” which is what you say instead of “actually” – I love all these little things and will never forget them (patter-en, take a break off, actionably lol).

We took Harry with us to school. You were excited to bring him but disappointed when you figured out that we couldn’t have a donut and eat in the car with him! You kissed me and told me that you would just get a donut after school! You were so happy to walk him up to the gate and Ms. Ida pet him. You were cracking up laughing because he pooped in the parking lot. I dropped him off at the groomer after I dropped you.

When I picked you up, you were surprised Harold wasn’t with me. At first you were disappointed, then you remembered that if he isn’t in the car, we could stop for a donut! We stopped at Publix to grab a few things for dinner & of course you scammed a donut.

We headed home and Grandma Weezie came over for dinner. You immediately took her to the playroom to show her your toys. She brought crab cakes and I cooked them while you were playing. You loved them and ate two! Plus she brought brownies, which you were excited about. You only ate half and then proclaimed your belly was full.

She headed out around 8p and we headed to your room to go to bed. We snuggled and you were wiggly for about 15 minutes, then just relaxed and drifted off to sleep. I stayed with you for about 15 minutes after I thought you were really asleep just to make extra sure that you were ok. I don’t want you to feel so scared like you did last night.

I love you so much!