I kept you home from school today although you were definitely feeling better. We had to take Harry to the Vet and you were excited that he got to ride in the car. We went home after his visit and I had to teach a webinar. You were trying to poke your head in the screen, but I got you to go play in your room for a bit!
We headed downtown to my nail appointment. You were chatting with the lady next to me and you showed her your new necklace and said “my Grandma Weezie gave me this necklace. It has a G on it because my name is Giovanna.” When we were leaving you ran into a dog named Elsa who would shake for treats. I had to drag you out of there!
We picked up Marina at the office, went to lunch and then went to sign loan papers for the office building. You were so good during the closing, you scored 4 parking token coins from the receptionist and practiced writing while we signed. When we finished, you wanted to go downtown to the “watch store” which is a jewelry store that has some unique clocks in the window which you are fascinated with. They were open (usually we are there on nights or weekends when they are closed) so we went inside for a few minutes. No way were you scamming me into bringing one home though lol. We walked a few doors down to share a milkshake at the Creamery.
We headed home to relax. You took a bath and then we made pizza while watching Lion Guard. All of a sudden you got really hyper and were jumping around on the couching walking like a lion. We headed to bed and you fell asleep fast and early.
I love you so much!