6/21/21 – Because I Am Starving!

This morning, you sang Happy Birthday to Daddy on Facetime when you woke up. We also talked to Ms. Sandy while you were eating breakfast. We are having dinner with her tonight so we were trying to make a plan. You hurried and did your jobs without me even asking you and I was so happy about that!

I picked you up from school and we headed to Cheesecake Factory to meet Ms. Sandy. You were so happy to see her and gave her huge hugs. You immediately were in charge of giving her instructions on how to properly color all of our Water Wows.

When we got home, you ran and changed into your jammies so we would have time to watch an episode of Lion Guard. But, you got sidetracked and instead washed all of your sunglasses in my bathroom sink lol. Then, you ate a pack of cheese balls and told me you needed them “because I am starving”!! You ate two cheeseburger sliders, fruit and some of Ms. Sandy’s cheesecake so I have no idea how on earth you could be hungry, but you always find somewhere to put it!!!

We Facetimed Daddy & Aunt Karen for a bit and then we got ready for bed. We read two books and you were snoring by 9p. Sometimes you look so grown, but then I get to catch a photo like this where you still have chubby little kid cheeks and my heart melts. I sent it to Daddy and he said sleep my little angel. I wish I was there with you.

I love you so much!