9/7/21 – Today Is My Mom & Dad’s Anniversary!

Ms. Stein was at the gate when we walked up and helped you carry in your snack bag because it was heavy. You wore three layers of Steelers shirts today (the bottom layer was the tshirt you slept in lol) & you told me at dinner you forgot shorts and just wore panties! I didn’t realize that when you walked into school!

When I picked you up, I asked how your day was. You said good. But you had PE today and said “those two running laps are still a problem!” Yesterday, you started “journaling” where you wrote down the day of the week and then the things that you did. Today you continued with that and you wrote Jennie’s name down and then asked me to draw a picture of her. You asked me “so Mom. How was your day?” I told you Jennie, our new lawyer started today. You said “did your have to have a talk about with her or yell at her?” I was dying. I told you, no she did a great job! You told me “I didn’t get enough rest last night.” I encouraged you to consider going to bed a little earlier tonight!

We met Daddy at home and he took us to Capital Grille for dinner (although you requested Hyde Park, they were closed today). You told everyone who walked by “today is my Mom & Dad’s anniversary!!” You were very well behaved and told the waitress that your cars were a secret and she couldn’t tell anyone about them! She had a 2 year old so she was very happy to chat with you. The whole drive home you were signing and dancing in your seat. As soon as we turned into the neighborhood, you unbuckled and danced in the car. Inside, we watched a few minutes of Secrets of the Zoo, read a bunch of books and jumped in bed to snuggle. You were out in no time. Thank you for making our 19th anniversary perfect!!! Next year, we will celebrate in Italy!!!!

I love you so much!