Slept in until 8a and you ran into our room, climbed in bed and snuggled with Daddy. He tickled you and you guys played for a few minutes. We got up & read books in your room. We read so long that we had only a few minutes to get ready & out the door for Spanish. I dropped you off & 15 minutes later Ms. Ida texted me that she found lice on your head. I about died. I immediately went to pick you up, called Chrissy & got a game plan together to help you. Chrissy came over and you sat so still while she combed trhough your hair from 1:30p-11:30p with only a few breaks and then a quick break for left overs for dinner and a bubble show! While I was giving you a bath, Daddy noticed Harry shaking his head and that his ears were red. He had to rush him to animal ER and he had to have surgery on both ears for an ear infection and hematoma in both ears. It was an awful day! I gave you a bath before bed even though it was so late. It was after midnight when we finally got to bed. You were such a trooper. I was so proud of you!