Author: joann


woke uo feelinf much better wolfed down your breakfast and said ”I’m really enjoying this breakfast!” i was so happy to see tou feeling better Home easter basket Ljnch cruise sunset at beach


This morning you woke up at 7:30a, which was too early given how late you went to bed last night and the fact that you are not feeling good. I was hoping to see you had turned the corner when you woke up, but you still didn’t want to eat. So after talking to Aunt […]


got up A s ran jnto living room naked ”im ready to go to legoland” went to fancy breakfast w daddy then tj maxx bc you asked to went to condo played w jenzie a 6 yo lottle gorl back upstiars yoh were coles changed clothes and sat on balcony fell asleep in the chair […]


didn’t want get up this morning field trip met sandy for lunch at marina jack home office for closing took longer than expected daddy picked you up still no appetite fell asleep in wagon carried you to bed


Woke up at 2a with a fever and dry heaving. You went back to sleep and didn’t move from the bed all day. I felt so bad for you because nothing was helping you feel better. Slept most of the day in my bed . woke up around 330 dizzy and falling hysterical crying went […]

4/11/22 – My Intestines Hurt

You didn’t want to get up this morning. When I finally got you up, you were slow to get dressed and saying “my intestines hurt. No my belly, my intestines. People think this is your belly (pointing to your belly) but actually your belly is up higher, under your lungs, behind your ribcage.” I asked […]

4/9/22 – Bengal Tiger Toes

After a super busy weekend last weekend, this Saturday you were ready for a home day… You are ALWAYS ready for a home day! You brought out the nail polish as soon as you got up. You asked me to paint your nails in bengal tiger so we did. You LOVED it! I ran some […]