Category: Uncategorized


didnt want to get uo agaub thus am i rhidubt we were going to be late but we made it hudt in time to school when i picked you uo you called aunt deb we went home to make tacos When daddy got home you gabe him his phrot album from your ohoto shoot w […]

3/22/22 – Reentry!

You came to my room at 6:30a & climbed in bed all riled up trying to play with Hank. I got you to lay down and you fell back to sleep and then I had trouble getting you up for school! I put Hank back in bed with you and he finally got you up! […]


flight home sick all night recovered wnoguh to get thru airport slept 70% of flight hime slept car ride hime hugged unicorn pillow and went back to sleep woke up around 1030 and ate then we went to bed together around 1130


This morning, Lisa went to yoga and on her way back she brought donuts and bagels for breakfast. She also saw some sparkly golden eggs glistening in the snow when she was pulling in the driveway. You & Rafe ran out to discover a huge golden egg with an LOL surprise in it! You were […]