Category: Uncategorized


This morning you got dressed and when we were on our way out the door to go to school you decided you needed to change your dress to match your shoes! You marched right in to the gate and I was so happy. You had a couple rough drop offs this week. Ms. Sandy surprised […]


You were upset at drop off bc i wouldn’t let you bring second bookbag with yoys jnto school you were cruing saying yoj wanted to go yo another school you were sitting on a rock crying and wouldn’t go into school until Ms. Wood was about to close the doors i vame to surprose you […]


We stayed at condo last night. You got up and while I was taking dogs out you got dressed & brushed your teeth. You wanted to snuggle with me on the couch while eating your breakfast. What a beautiful place to wake up. You were so fast we were even 40 minutes early to school […]

2/17/21 – Horsing Around

This morning, you came to my room around 3:30a to tell me that the Tooth Fairy left you a note and brought you some unicorns! I wasn’t sure if you would go back to sleep or not, but you eventually did. When you got up, you couldn’t wait to show me your unicorns and use […]