Category: Uncategorized


This morning you flew out of bed and ran to the kitchen at 7:45a. You were so excited to get dressed because today is the 50th day of school and Ms. Wolleon is having a 50’s themed sock hop party to celebrate. You were so excited to wear your costume. When we got to school, […]


Even though you were asleep by 9p last night, I could NOT get you up this morning. It was almost 8:20a by the time you got out of bed. We were running late getting out of the house. Grandma Noot helped get you ready and we headed out the door. Today you brought the snack […]


You woke up early today around 7a because you were so excited to see what your surprise was. You wanted to get dressed and go see if Jackie was awake. We packed our suitcase and headed downstairs. Jackie woke up before we left and you were so lovey dovey with her, hugging her and telling […]


helped Jackie & I decorate Gotta go surfin mom. Bye! G wrote you an I love daddy message played with Michael. Called him your Little friend. Told him “we can’t do that. This isn’t our house. We have to be respectful.” I’m really good at “biggie board” G is in jammies for movie night and […]


slept in until 845. No school bc parent teacher conference ms wolleon said you pinched Ellie on Monday. When she asked you why you said “I couldn’t take her anymore. She was annoying me so much!” Drove to nsb for baby wills bday party


This morning, you climbed into bed with me around 6:45a. Daddy was already at work so we snuggled for a little bit then got up to do our jobs. Got ready left & got to school early. A 1st grader names sigend noticed you were reluctant to walk in and said “hi would you like […]