Category: Uncategorized

7/11/21 – I Can’t Stop Laughing!

You slept in your room all night. Around 8am you ran into my room, completely dressed ready to feed and play with Treeko! We played class and you already knew how to solve all of the mazes! We were planning to meet a friend of mine from undergrad at Siesta Beach, but you didn’t want […]

7/10/21 – Lava Everywhere!

You woke up and came to my room at 6:50a soooo excited to get Treeko out before he went to sleep! All you wanted to do was hold him and have him watch movies he’s never seen before lol. You were so happy to snuggle with Harold and Treeko it was so sweet! You ran […]

7/7/21 – Just Feed Me Sugar!

You woke up in my bed at 6:15a telling me that I woke you up from your favorite dream (you talk about dreams you had the night before very frequently). I rubbed your back and whispered to you that we need to go back to sleep. You finally did and then didn’t want to get […]

7/6/21 – Hurricane Elsa

Hurricane Elsa was passing by today so theater camp was cancelled. The good news is we both got to sleep in! You finally got up around 8:30a so you had almost 12 hours of sleep, which you needed very much! You decided you wanted us to get an octopus like Hank from Finding Dory. I […]

7/5/21 – I Miss My Dog Harold

This morning you didn’t want to get up. I tried to wake you several times and you slept until 9:10a. We packed up to head out to the Pirates & Mermaids theater camp and Daddy kissed you goodbye. We saw Emily and Ashley Letarte when we walked in. You gave me a huge hug then […]