11/3/21 – Blanket Bed

Today you stayed home from school again just to make sure you are 100%. You definitely felt better and played all day, you didn’t lay around at all watching TV like you did yesterday. You pulled every blanket out of the basket and made a bed in the living room lol. You took a nice long shower and then colored while I was on a work call. We worked on your Christmas list and you wrote on your Santa board. The good news is you finally chose something you want besides “a real live Rudolf the Red Nose Reindeer.” We roasted a chicken for dinner and Chrissy called to ask if she could drop off Olivia while she ran to cut Grandma Weezie’s hair. You guys were so cute playing together. You helped feed her and then you showed her some paw patrol videos while you guys had a popsicle. Shortly after they left we headed to your room to read books. You were out after we read If I Ran The Zoo.

I love you so much!!!

11/2/21 – Home Day

This morning you slept in and stayed home from school because you were still not feeling great. Last night, I climbed into bed around 3a after holding Harry trying to calm him down and you were warm all the way down to your ankles. Daddy took Harry to the vet so I showered and climbed back in bed with you to watch Shrek 2 snuggling together. You finally had a huge poop so I was hoping your belly would feel better. I had a zoom consult and you sat on my lap and said hi to the client. You perked up so we left to run to get my nails done. You sat and played with your Buzz toys and also “helped” to polish my nails. You asked Christine to paint yours the same as mine. She was willing to and had time, but as soon as she started to prep your nails you started to cry and said you didn’t want to have your nails done. We walked to Whole Foods because you wanted to choose a soup and eat out on the patio. You took a few bites and wanted to go home. You definitely ran out of steam quickly. As soon as we got home, we snuggled on the couch and you stayed there until bed. Grandma Noot came home and you watched Zootopia with her while I ran to pick up Harry. You hardly ate anything today. When Daddy came home from work you were up for a little bit but then snuggled back on the couch again.

I love you so much!

11/1/21 – Sleeping At Recess?

You slept until 8a then got up & came to the couch to lay down while Daddy was watching the news. You said your belly hurt so I offered you charcoal. You accepted so I knew it must really hurt. You came around so I took you to school, but texted Ms. Wolleon that I wasn’t sure if you had a Halloween hangover or if you were really sick. I asked her to keep an eye on you and to let me know if you needed to come home. After recess, she texted me and said you were laying down in the grass resting at recess & of course that’s not typical for you so I came to pick you up right away. I needed to get Harry from the vet and had an appointment to see a condo. I offered to cancel but since it was at the beach you wanted to still go. We were a few minutes early so we went to Kilwin’s to get some ice cream. I thought for sure it would cure you from not feeling well. We looked at the condo (which we both loved and we made an offer that we didn’t get) then we went to pick up Harry. We went home, put on jammies and stayed in for the night. You had a low grade fever and just felt blah. We snuggled and watched TV. You hardly ate anything today. I hope you feel better tomorrow.

I love you so much!

10/31/21 – Moana Make Way!!

This morning, you woke up and came to the living room. I was sitting on the couch working on your blog and you snuggled up with me. I ran to Whole Foods (you wanted to stay with Grandma Noot) and when I got back we got dressed and headed to Fruitville Grove to meet Katrina, her boys, Olivia & Ms. Sandy. You had so much fun, riding ponies, hay rides, tractor rides and of course Kona Ice! We headed home and you got naked, jumped in my bed to watch tv and then we showered and both napped. You were up late last night and I knew we were going to have a busy night!

Ms. Sandy came over around 5p to visit, have dinner and we all got in our costumes together. Aunt Deb came over too! I surprised you with a real heart of Te Fiti that glows in the dark and the reaction on your face when you saw it was absolutely priceless. I LOVE surprising you with stuff like that!!!! We only went around the block once and you were pooped. Of course Mr. Franklin filled an entire bucket of yours (you brought one just for his candy!). You came in the house around 7:15p, got undressed and climbed in my bed right away. You watched a little TV then asked me to come snuggle with you. You were out in two minutes around 9p.

I love you so much!

10/30/21 – I’m Kinda Like Santa

This morning you woke up around 8a and we snuggled on the couch watching Shrek. We had to get out the door so you could go to Spanish with Ms. Ida. You were so excited to go back since you were bummed to have to leave early last week. Ms. Ida was heartbroken at how upset you were so she gave you a cute pumpkin stuffy called Seedy after class to cheer you up. Daddy picked you up & you guys came home for lunch. Then we headed out to Evo for Alyssa Entin’s 7th birthday party. She’s in your class at Evo & is in 1st grade at Bay Haven. You were having a blast dancing at the gym and putting on a performance for Daddy. It was cracking us up!!!

In the car, we were just talking about centipedes. You told me something & I said “oh I didn’t know that. You know a lot about centipedes.” You replied “yes I know everything. I’m kinda like Santa!” We looked at a couple of condos on Longboat then drove to Da Ru Ma to meet Grandma Noot for dinner. Daddy took you to Jo Ann Fabrics next door when you finished dinner and you tried to buy the whole store. He got you two TY kitties. When you showed them to me you told me that they are both “hunnies” which is what you always call babies. It was so cute! When we got home, Chrissy & Olivia came over to return the Little Mermaid Halloween stuff they borrowed. You two played ice cream shop, danced and jumped on the bed in our room while Daddy was trying to watch football. It’s been raining all week so Coach texted and said no tennis tomorrow. Because of that, I let you stay up late and play. We headed to bed around 10p. You snuggled with me and you were out in 15 minutes. I love you so much!

10/29/21 – 1st Book Report & Candy Jam

As suspected, I was much better today about your bad haircut. Today you had to present your first book report and it was character day, so you go to dress up like your favorite character from your book. Of course, you chose Moana. In the car on the way to school you gave me the summary of your book report so I knew you would make a great presentation!

You were so excited for your class party this afternoon. I volunteered to help Ms. Wolleon with the party and you were so happy I was going to be in your class. When I got there, you walked me around to each table and introduced me to each classmate by their first and last name and then you told each of them, “say hi to my Mom!” I was so happy to be there and loved seeing you in action with your friends. We brought individually wrapped pumpkin, bat and ghost crayons to pass out to your classmates. You walked around the room handing them out and would tell each kid “now what do you say?” making them say thank you to you! I was dying. I enjoyed being at your party and I will do everything in my power to be at every single one as long as you will have me there! The party was over around 3p but I left you in your classroom because you wanted to go to the Candy Jam that was happening at the car line today. There was music and more candy of course. You had fun and that’s the whole goal!!! When I picked you up, we went home for pizza & movie night. We stayed up a little too late watching movies, but it was worth it! I’m looking so forward to this weekend!!!!

I love you so much!

10/28/21 – Self Hair Cut

This morning it was pouring the entire way to school but fortunately stopped as soon as we parked. You walked up again with Kaiwen Chen and you guys were so cute together walking in. Ms. Wolleon posted pictures of you guys painting your pumpkins from the pumpkin patch yesterday. It was so cute!

I picked you up right at 3:45p so we could head straight to gymnastics. As soon as you walked out of school I noticed you had cut your hair. In the car you were pulling out chunks of hair. I was so mad, but trying not to show it. I asked you why you cut your hair and you said “because I felt like I wanted to.” My heart sank because I love your beautiful curls and you haven’t even had a proper hair cut yet. I guess I knew this would eventually happen, but I was hoping it wasn’t right before a big span of holiday photos. All things considered, it isn’t all that noticeable, it just looks like a bad bang cut, so it could have been way worse. We went to gymnastics and I had a little time to try and cool off. When Daddy got home from work, you showed him what you did and then you wrote me a letter that said “I’m sorry for cutting my hair and I will not do it again.” I was pretty upset but just talked to you about being respectful to your body and the danger of putting scissors by your face. You gave me a big hug and apologized. I know tomorrow I will be fine… I just need a minute lol.

I love you so much!

10/27/21 – Lunch In A Pumpkin Patch!

You came to my room to snuggle around 1:15a. This morning you didn’t want to get up! I finally got you up and moving and we spoke to Ms. Sandy on the way to school. Right before we crossed the street, Kaiwen Chen walked up behind us. He was happy to see you and you guys walked up the stone path together and right in through the gate. You turned around to tell me bye Mom! I love when the transition goes like this.

On the way to school you asked me if I could come meet you for lunch today. I was planning to work from home to keep an eye on Harry, so I said yes! You looked surprised lol. When I got to school, I chose a picnic table and waited for your class to come out. This week you are the “star of the week” which means you are the line leader – and you were VERY happy about it. Since you were the line leader, you saw me as soon as you were coming down the ramp and excitedly ran up to me & gave me a huge hug!!! Micha was right behind you and said have fun with your Mom at lunch! You sat next to me and on my lap, with your hand on my lap the entire time. It was so sweet. You kept going on and on about how this was my first time having lunch at school and when I asked questions about who people were and why classes were going where they were you reminded me that I just don’t know because I have never been there for lunch before lol. When lunch was over, we walked back up toward the classroom so you could head to recess. I think I was more excited than you about this, and I can’t wait to do it again!!!

While we were sitting at lunch all the Kindergarten teachers came to thank me for providing the photo props and backdrop so that everyone could take pictures during the pumpkin patch today on the playground. I was so happy to do it and the pictures turned out so great!

When we got home, we played and snuggled with Harry for a little bit. Once again, you thanked me for coming to lunch. The pleasure was truly mine! We sang songs on your karaoke microphone and you were dancing like crazy. When Daddy got home you were using the mic to play class and give us instructions.

My friend Erika Dine came over with her husband and we had pizza. You were all snuggly with her too and wanted to show her Shrek 2, your latest obsession! 8:30p rolled around so we headed to bed and read books. You were out like a light in 15 minutes.

I love you so much!!

10/26/21 – Hay…These Bales Are Heavy!

Daddy went into your room to wake you up after 8a to wake you up and played Wake Up Everybody on your Alexa. You didn’t want to get up!!! I slept on the couch last night to be close to Harry since he just had surgery so I didn’t sleep well. We all slept later than we should have.

Ms. Wolleon and all the Kindergarten teachers got together to get a bunch of pumpkins to provide a pumpkin patch this week for your fall party. I volunteered to contribute props to make a photoshoot backdrop. I had to carry 2 bales of hay that were so heavy, a huge mum and a fabric backdrop. You walked in with Ellie Rice and a couple of Dads helped me carry the super heavy stuff. I got to see your artwork as we delivered the props to your room. Manuella was there and you were telling her “sorry I had to leave yesterday but our dog had surgery.” She said she was looking for you. It was so sweet. Ms. Wolleon posted photos of you guys trying some pumpkin treats during class.

After dinner, we wrote your book report for Friday, wrote sight words and your Halloween card for Ms. Wolleon’s gift bag. I gave your hair another treatment, then we read books and hit the bed.

I love you so much!

10/25/21 – Pupdate

After lots of treatments and lots of thought, I decided to let you go to school today, but I had you wear your hair in a bun and I put tea tree oil on the edge of the hairline all around your head. You were happy and cooperative although you strongly prefer your hair to be down. When I picked you up, you were very disappointed that we couldn’t wait for Manuela to blow bubbles in the parking lot. You promised her you would wait for her, but I explained that we had to hurry and get home to Harry. I haven’t left him alone yet and I was nervous to do so. Grandma Noot was heading to the house but I didn’t want to take any chances. He looks so pathetic… poor puppy. We have just been home laying low and taking care of him. We went to bed early since it was such a long weekend!

I love you so much!