You were up early today, happy to get dressed and ready. You were sitting on the couch telling Daddy all about your mornings at school. It was so cute I had to come video a little bit of it. We were both ready early and out the door so early that when we arrived at school, the gate wasn’t even open yet for another minute!
After school, we stopped by the house to check progress. We were driving away and Peggy came home so we got out. You were climbing on everything despite being in a dress. Absolutely nothing scares you!
You woke up this morning around 7:45a, got dressed and played Paw Patrol with Daddy during breakfast. You worked were excited to bring your new sight words book that Daddy got you yesterday to school to show your friends. You worked on it the entire drive to school. You stopped to chat with Ms. Wood at the gate and show her your fancy book too!
At pickup you told me you were really sad because Ellie got picked up before you. It was storming pretty bad a few minutes after we left school and the lightning was crazy. You were fascinated by it & it was really bright. We headed home to cook and play and you wanted to do your sight word cups. We Facetimed with Ms. Sandy for a few minutes then Daddy came home. After dinner we snuggled on the couch and watched the rest of Ice Age from last night. I thought you might fall asleep on the couch while we were snuggling and you were yawning. But you popped up, ate a popsicle and a yogurt! We headed to bed to read the new poop book Marcela gave you & some Frozen 5 minute stories. You asked if you could sleep in my room and of course I said yes. You haven’t asked in a while!!!
You woke up at 7:30a and asked me if you have school today. I said no & you said, oh yeah, I have tennis today so it’s a home day. We got ready and headed out. You were excited to see Coach. We hadn’t seen him in almost 3 months! His Mom was sick and passed away, then when he got back there was lots of rain and then we were busy a few weekends in a row. You picked right back up – you lost nothing on your swing. Your stamina however did drop. You were hot & sweaty and Coach kept toweling you off. You got a little mopey for a minute then recovered nicely and finished strong.
We went home, made breakfast and headed to the pool. There were more kids at the Meadows pool today than ever before. We saw Ms. Michelle & her boys & she taught us to play Mr. Fox pool game. Some kids had some Luca toys & shared with you. You were sooo happy. Unfortunately, their Mom told us they got them at McDonalds. Of course, we don’t go there & I had no idea they had them. So now I’m on a mad hunt to find them!!!
We finished swimming & headed home to shower so we could meet Grandma Noot for dinner. She brought you another gift 🙂 you got a flamingo cup. We tried to take her by the new house to see the progress, but a bad thunderstorm rolled in. You questioned Daddy about the safety of driving in the lightning and if we could get struck by lightning in the car. He got us home safely. We watched a little bit of Ice Age and then when I called time, you turned the TV off and headed straight to bed. I was so proud of you. We read at least 6 Dr. Seuss books. You were snuggled right up with me and called out sight words as you found them. All of a sudden, you said, “Mom, I’m going to close my eyes. Can you please tell me when you turn the page?” I promised you I would and kissed your forehead as you drifted off to sleep by 8:30p.
I woke up before you and got up to do laundry. You came out around 8:15a and asked me to take your picture with Harry. You said “hurry up while he looks so cute!” We let Daddy sleep in & we made pictures to give to Marcela as a gift because she was headed over to help me pick plumbing fixtures for the new house. You jumped in the shower with me & then kept bouncing your bouncy balls. They are so loud I don’t know how you didn’t wake Daddy up! He got up shortly after and I made you guys omelettes before Marcela arrived. You gave her all of our cards & you were thoughtful to use orange and wear orange because it’s her favorite color. Marcela & I left & you stayed and played with Daddy & worked on your sight words. I made lunch for us when I got home & we played some more.
We headed out for dinner with Lisa & Lucy Wallace and a bunch of other families at Pazzo. We ran into two families that we used to go to Ms. Angela’s music class who we hadn’t seen in a couple of years! It was sweet to see how much you had all grown. You played nicely with everyone and warmed up quickly. You gave all the kids & Moms butterfly stickers and made sure to ask each Mom if they have been good. You only get a sticker if you are good! You ate all your clams and mine 🙂 One kid asked you “why are you eating clams?” You replied “I don’t know. I just like them. Clams are my jam!” We had a lot of fun, but we were there longer than I expected.
When we got in the car, you asked if we could go to the lot, so we did! They finished the tie beams and everything was cleaned up. It is really starting to take shape and look like a house now! I can’t wait until we are living there!!
We headed home and read a few books. You snuggled up in your pillow and drifted off to sleep quickly. Daddy was tired and so were you. You were snoozing by 8:30p and when I came out of your room and walked into mine, both he and Harry were snoring!
This morning, you were up and ready early. Because you got ready so fast, I offered to stop and get you a donut. You were ready for your sight words test and I knew you would get a 100% today! You walked up the path to school but told me today was not a race. You got a little sad before going in the gate and didn’t want to leave. You wanted to go to work with me. You cried a little but settled down inside the gate. I hid behind the manatee to make sure.
When I picked you up, the first thing you did was show me your 100% on your sight words test. Ms. Wolleon even gave you the next list test too and you got 8/10! When Daddy got home you showed him too & we were both so proud of you. I made dinner and then asked you what you’d like to do to celebrate. You wanted to go downtown for ice cream.
We drove down Main Street and you asked me to show you all of the ice cream choices before settling on Main St. Creamery. You brought your lunch box & filled it with snacks before we left. You gave a pack of fig bars to the ice cream lady that helped us. You were so excited and giggling so hard that everyone was smiling because you are so cute! When we left you wanted to walk down the street for a few minutes and you started dancing outside a restaurant that was playing music. You were cracking up that you were shaking your booty.
We headed home and you got out a graham cracker snack. You were dancing and cuddling with Daddy watching a little TV before bed. You wanted to sleep in my bed so we headed that way around 9:30p. I fell asleep with you because this week was so hectic.
You practiced your sight words in the car the whole way to school. You’ve got them down this week!!!! You headed confidently into school even though it looks like you are carrying too much stuff!
After school, we stopped by Dr. Dan’s office to get adjusted before gymnastics. You told me you wanted to see him & when we got there you jumped right up on his table. You sat patiently but chatted his ears off while he was adjusting me. He gets a kick out of you and loves treating you. Today at gymnastics, AnneMarie Texada was in your class. When you guys saw each other you gave each other a huge hug! It was so cute!
After class we met Grandma Noot at Mi Pueblo for dinner. You were excited to have a sopapilla for dessert. We Facetimed Ms. Sandy before bed & then watched a little bit of Secrets of the Zoo. You got to sleep in my bed since it was man night and you were super happy about that!!! I fell asleep with you!!!
You have been writing in your “journal” each day of the week and what you did. Today you spelled Wednesday and asked me to take the clipboard in with me to work so I could write down what I did and show it to you when I pick you up.
When we got to the gate, you ran in and said “I’m going in with my friends Mom!” It totally warms my heart to see you so happy and eager to go to school. I know I say it a few times a week, but you have no idea how hard choosing your school was and how much relief it gives me to see you enjoying such a good fit!!! Someday when you are a Mama you will finally understand. You will probably roll your eyes at me a million times between now and then lol.
When I picked you up you told me you wanted to get a donut. We stopped for a slice of pizza then grabbed a donut. You told me that your class had a cookie party and later Ms. Wolleon posted photos in Class Dojo. At home, Daddy made burgers and you had half of one even though you had pizza!! You wanted to snuggle on the couch with him and we all watched Secrets of the Zoo. We headed to bed and we practiced your sight words. You smoked the list!!! I’m so proud of you!!!
Ms. Stein was at the gate when we walked up and helped you carry in your snack bag because it was heavy. You wore three layers of Steelers shirts today (the bottom layer was the tshirt you slept in lol) & you told me at dinner you forgot shorts and just wore panties! I didn’t realize that when you walked into school!
When I picked you up, I asked how your day was. You said good. But you had PE today and said “those two running laps are still a problem!” Yesterday, you started “journaling” where you wrote down the day of the week and then the things that you did. Today you continued with that and you wrote Jennie’s name down and then asked me to draw a picture of her. You asked me “so Mom. How was your day?” I told you Jennie, our new lawyer started today. You said “did your have to have a talk about with her or yell at her?” I was dying. I told you, no she did a great job! You told me “I didn’t get enough rest last night.” I encouraged you to consider going to bed a little earlier tonight!
We met Daddy at home and he took us to Capital Grille for dinner (although you requested Hyde Park, they were closed today). You told everyone who walked by “today is my Mom & Dad’s anniversary!!” You were very well behaved and told the waitress that your cars were a secret and she couldn’t tell anyone about them! She had a 2 year old so she was very happy to chat with you. The whole drive home you were signing and dancing in your seat. As soon as we turned into the neighborhood, you unbuckled and danced in the car. Inside, we watched a few minutes of Secrets of the Zoo, read a bunch of books and jumped in bed to snuggle. You were out in no time. Thank you for making our 19th anniversary perfect!!! Next year, we will celebrate in Italy!!!!
This morning, you & Bianca helped me make breakfast. You both were a little bickery and at one point you told me you wanted to play by yourself. You guys didn’t sleep enough this weekend & I think you guys were getting a little tired of each other lol. Two only children – all done sharing! After breakfast they headed home. Bianca cried for 15 minutes and you were mopey that you missed her lol. You came with me to TJ Maxx & scammed me into a semi truck with a bunch of cars. You were also driving my car in the parking lot. You played by yourself with puzzles and cars when we got home. I offered several times throughout the day to take you swimming, but you just wanted a home day.
We did run over to the house to check out the progress & ran into Publix to pick up some ribs. You wanted clams for an appetizer so I made you a dozen. You ate all of them and tore up your ribs! During dinner, I asked you “what’s your favorite thing in the world?” You replied, “you two. You are the best parents ever!” Of course I melted. Then I asked you “are you cold?” You said, “no I just want to be with you.” After dinner we snuggled on the couch and watched a little TV before heading to bed. You were out like a light in no time.
You and Bianca asked for pancakes again for breakfast and ate them on the lanai. You guys played Paw Patrol, tore up the upstairs, got out hats & all sorts of stuff, then watched a little TV before finally getting your swimsuits on.
When we finally got up and running, we went to the Meadows pool for the day. There were lots more people today than yesterday & you guys had fun. We headed home to get ready to go to DaRuMa for dinner. You wanted to go downtown to get dessert and walk around for a little while after dinner. We took them to Fat Donkey. You and Bianca got gummy bear popsicles. You spit all the gummy bears back out because they were gross. That made my heart happy! When we got home we got both of you in bed and then we all played some games. I love you so much!