9/4/21 – Pool, Pizza, Pajama Party

You came to my room around 5:30a and slept in until 9:30a! We played Sorry! and Candyland. You asked me to make pancakes for breakfast, but I told you Bianca is coming for a sleepover so we will have them tomorrow. You were excited and agreed to eggs and bacon instead! After breakfast you played in your toy room by yourself for a good bit while Daddy & I worked on house plans.

Bianca and Becky arrived around 12:30p. As soon as they got in the door, you two decided to wear matching USA swimsuits and got dressed. You girls played for a little bit and then we headed to show them the house. It was so cute to see you two in the toy room knowing that you will spend so much time there together in years to come! You guys were anxious to get to the pool, so we headed there. I was surprised how dead it was for Labor Day weekend! We had some snacks and then Daddy joined us. We spent the whole day there and then went home, took a bath, made pizza and you guys watched movies sitting on my bed. Every time I went in to check on you, you send me out and said kids only, no grown ups! Right before heading to bed, you grabbed an entire brick of Swiss cheese and started munching on it. Becky & I were cracking up so hard!!! I took you to bed around 10:30p and you were out in minutes!

I love you so much!

9/3/21 – I Needed A Minute

This morning, you were happy although a little slow pokey to get on the road today. I was afraid we were going to be late to school. Christen from my office made you a bunch of glittery masks and you took them all to school today, excited to show them off! You were singing the Gummibear song as a result since two were glittery gummy bears! When we turned toward the school, the car line was so short that I was afraid we would be late if we parked and I walked you up, so instead we stayed in the car line. Officer Mark opened the door, grabbed your things & walked right up to school. It took me a minute to be able to pull away. I watched you walk all the way up through the gates…and you looked so big. My heart twinged a bit.

When I picked you up, you climbed in the car and asked to go get a donut. We stopped for a donut at Publix, then headed home to change and pack for the Meadows pool. You put on your swimsuit, but had a gymnastics leotard on over it lol. We walked in to the pool, you saw Benjamin and some other kids playing so you ran and jumped right in. Chrissy & Olivia met us & Daddy came after work. We stayed until the pool closed then showered and headed to bed. We read the Lorax and you were snoring by page 8. You drifted off to sleep with your legs draped over mine and snuggling with me. I stayed an extra 15 minutes because it felt so good to be with you. I moved your legs and kissed your forehead.

I love you so much!

9/2/21 – I Spy With My Little Eye

You were excited to head back to school. You weren’t up for breakfast, but you were otherwise feeling good. It was pouring rain when we got to school. You walked up with your backpack on, your lunch box and you carried a giant golf umbrella. Under the covered area in front of the gate, I gave you a big kiss, took your umbrella and you happily went off to class.

When I picked you up, you had a Clemson mask on. I immediately sent a photo to Grandma Weezie, knowing she would love it. You opened your binder to show me that you had followed all the rules today and you wanted to practice your sight words. We ran to Detweiler’s got get seafood for dinner. You were telling me the scallops were marshmallows lol. Marcela & Marina came over & Daddy went to man night so we had girls night! You put on a performance with Auntie Marina where she sang and you played guitar! We headed to bed to read books. It took a little longer than usual because you didn’t want to miss out, but you finally fell asleep around 9:45p.

I love you so much!

9/1/21 – One More Day At Home

You woke up around 8:30a and you didn’t feel like a furnace any more! I kept you home again today just to give you a chance to get back to 100%. You slept all night and didn’t move. You woke up happy and snuggly. As soon as you woke up, you asked me “can I have a drink of water before my mouth gets any more dry?” In the same voice as you were complaining about the running laps in PE on Monday lol so I knew you were feeling much better! You told me “one more day at home and then I can go back to school tomorrow!” You laid in bed for a little while and watched TV. You clearly felt much better than yesterday, but still were laying around which is super unusual for you. Chrissy came over for lunch and visited with us. I had to run for a quick closing. I was going to bring you, but you asked Chrissy to stay with you and she did. When I got back, we checked the mail and your new passport came! After Daddy got off work, we went to dinner with Marina and a client & Grandma Noot came to hang out with you. Before we left, you and Grandma Noot were reading books and doing cheers with your Kombucha! You had fun with her and watched a little more TV, practiced your sight words & then read books. You were asleep by 9p.

I love you so much!

8/31/21 – Sleepy Sick Girl

In the middle of the night, you came to my room – around 2:30a. You were squirmy and took quite a while to fall back to sleep. It’s unusual any more for you to even come to my room in the middle of the night, and you have almost always fallen back to sleep quickly. I went to the gym and when I came back you were sleeping with Daddy. He later told me that you woke up, patting the bed and were looking for me. When he told you I was at the gym, you were mad and said “Mommy always has something to do before waking up. Riding her bike and everything.”

I had a hard time waking you up. You finally came out to the living room around 8a and you were complaining that your belly hurt. I was sitting on the couch and went to pick you up to snuggle with you. You cried out that it hurt your belly and you ran back to my room & climbed in bed. You wanted me to snuggle with you so I did. You told me you didn’t feel well enough to go to school & a few minutes later you had fallen back to sleep. I thought you might just need to poop, but when you were sleeping again, I knew something else was going on. You were clinging to my arms with your hands and wanted me to stay close by, so I did.

I started to worry because you slept literally all day. In the morning, I tried to get you to eat some applesauce and you had 2 bites. Your fever was consistently 100.6 all day and you barely moved. I took you for a covid test just to be safe and in case school would require it. You cried when I put you in the car, then immediately fell asleep on the way there & slept the whole way home. You finally woke up a little after 6p & ate 2 popsicles. You agreed to take a tepid bath & then we snuggled in your bed. You dozed off then when I went to leave you woke up and wanted to go to the couch to watch a little tv. I knew as soon as you woke up with so much more energy that the worst was behind us and I was grateful. We stayed up until 9:30p watching TV then headed to our room. You wanted to watch a little more TV, so I put it on. Both Daddy & I fell asleep. I woke up at 12:30a and you were still sitting up watching (since you slept all day) but I told you it’s time for bed, we shut the TV off & you were snoring in a few minutes.

I love you so much!

8/30/21 – Those Two Laps Get My Legs Weared Out

When I got home from the gym & out of the shower, you still hadn’t come to my room, so I went to yours to check on you. You had on panties, standing in front of your closet, choosing your clothes. You asked me if I thought you were still sleeping and giggled. You did all your jobs and were ready early, so we played with your blocks for about 15-20 minutes before leaving for school.

On the way, I captured a little bit of our morning conversation. This is my favorite time of day and by far the most hilarious things you say happen in the morning. I always want to hear about your day on the way home from school, but you aren’t nearly as chatty as you are in the morning. Today was especially funny as you lamented having PE class!

You confidently walked up and in to school this morning. In fact you said “why do you have to walk all the way up with me? I can walk by myself!” I told you I have to walk you and I want to. You gave me a super quick kiss and disappeared into the school. I’m so happy to are so excited to go!!

I picked you up and when you opened the door you announced “I’m going to marry the kid with the space backpack!” I asked what his name was, but you still haven’t asked. You told me he’s in 2nd grade. OMG. We can’t be starting this early!! lol

When we got home from school, you were playing in the living room while I was making dinner. Out of nowhere, you were playing school and began reciting the pledge of allegiance and the Bay Haven pledge. It was so sweet. After dinner, we all played with your Duplo blocks and you assigned us all a color to build with. I ran food over to Grandma Weezie. You sent me out the door with a special seashell to give her from yesterday’s beach walk. While I was gone, you and Daddy played video games and then we all worked on this weeks sight words together. Daddy turned it into a class game where you got to be the teacher so you didn’t want to stop to go to bed!!!!

We finally headed to your room around 8:45p (we are usually asleep by now!!) and you were all fired up. Once I got you to lay still, I asked you what your favorite and least favorite part of today was. You said the worst part was when someone hurt you three times in class and you cried twice. Then, you said “the best part was when you picked me up and surprised me with a chocolate charcuterie instead of one with crackers!” You asked me to scratch your back and then drifted off to sleep.

I love you so much!

8/29/21 – A Bougie Birthday Bash

I went to pick you up from Grandma Noot’s house. When I got there, you cracked the door open and scolded me for coming too early because you were just about to show her the movie Luca, which she hasn’t seen. You had a hundred stuffies all over her house. We had to get moving because we had to go home, change and head to the Ritz Beach Club for Gracyn Landsman’s 6th birthday party.

When we walked in you saw so many of your Discovery Days friends and immediately ran and hugged everyone. The party was extravagant. You had a complete make over, hair, makeup and manicure and Graycn’s mom had robes, slippers and hairbrushes with your name embroidered on them. You felt so special. You guys put make up on me, played hide & seek and made butterfly light jars. What a wonderful way to celebrate! After the party, you asked to walk down to the beach so we did. There is still some red tide, so we didn’t swim. You collected a TON of shells and filled your gift bag from the party with them.

We headed home because we were planning to swim at the Meadows pool. When we walked in the door you couldn’t wait to show Daddy your new shells. You told him “you’re never going to believe how amazing this is!” and showed him everything you found. You took Daddy to the playroom to play playdough and to paint. You were enjoying your home day so much that you didn’t even want to to go the Meadows. We had dinner, showered together (so I could get allll that makeup off your face and mine) and you were excited to wear your robe. You and Daddy made pictures of our family with dot markers & you were so proud. A big storm rolled in so you followed him out to the front porch to watch for a few minutes before we headed to bed to read books. You were yawning but didn’t want to go to sleep…it took a little longer than I thought it would, but you were still out by 9p.

I love you so much!

8/28/21 – Sleepover With Grandma Noot!

You slept in until a little after 8:30a and climbed in bed to snuggle with me. You left me though and snuggled with Daddy, giggling at me!! You got dressed and you guys played with your stuffies. You asked for chocolate chip pancakes but you didn’t eat much because you were more interested in playing.

We headed out to see Ms. Sandy’s new house and we took her to lunch. In the car you asked me if we “could return Harold to where we got him and instead get a puppy that won’t sleep so much and will follow me around.” I was like G!!!!! That’s not nice!!! Ms. Sandy was so excited to see you and hear all about school. You checked out her new house and had lots of questions for her. When she asked what you wanted for lunch, you told her you wanted a lobster roll!! We had lunch at Geckos’s and then hit the road before a huge rain storm rolled in. You hate getting wet in the rain!!!!

We played for a while and then headed to Grandma Noot’s house for a sleepover. You were really looking forward to this! Her daughter Jenn was there for a visit and she played with you and you guys ordered pizza and watched movies. Liz texted me and said you fell asleep shortly after 9p. She’s planning to move to Arizona soon, so we wanted to be sure you had a chance to have a sleepover with her before she left. You’ve been asking for some time to do it and this was a perfect chance! Daddy & I went to Ed Kolodzieski’s house on Longboat to get ideas for our new house and we went to dinner with them. It was so weird to come home to the house without you here. Somehow it felt different than even when you have stayed with Chrissy. I had a hard time sleeping. I kept checking my phone just to be sure she didn’t text me and need something. I prefer having you here so I know you are ok. I know she loves you and you are safe with her, so it’s kind of silly…But I love you so much, I just worry!!!

I love you so much!!

8/27/21 – Teddy Bear Picnic

You came to my room around 5am and snuggled up & went right back to sleep. When you finally got up around 8a & you wanted to snuggle with me on the couch before getting dressed.

You were excited to take Jackie outside to go lizard hunting. She came with us to school and we hunted there for a few minutes before school started. After not having success at home or school, you were really upset, didn’t want to go inside and almost missed the gates closing! You talked back to me on the steps which really made me sad, I never want your day to start out that way.

You got to take your Italian teddy bear for the teddy bear picnic today at lunch. You made a bear headband and were so excited to eat lunch outside today. Today was also your first visit to the library. You checked out a book about the Buffalo Bills. You told me you chose it because it reminded you of Daddy & the Steelers.

When I picked you up, Ms. Wolleon helped you in the car. You had all sorts of stories and told me all about your new friend with the space backpack but you still don’t know his name! We had to stop by Milan’s Jewelry store because he changed my watch battery. You didn’t want to come in, but I couldn’t leave you in the car. When we got inside, you saw Ruby, his dog and we stayed about 15 minutes while you played ball with her. Aren’t you glad you came in!!!! We stopped home to unload the car with school/work stuff, change into swimsuits & grab ziti to drop off to Grandma Weezie. She made cupcakes and wanted to share with us!

We headed to the Meadows to swim. Daddy met us there along with Chrissy & Olivia. You were working on writing words with Daddy while you waited for Olivia to come before you would get in the pool. You immediately went to a lady in the hot tub and told her about your strategies for catching lizards. We ate, swam, laughed and then had some of Grandma Weezie’s cupcakes before heading home. When we got home, you showered & we read the library book. You snuck 3 Babybel cheeses into bed and giggled as you ate them. When you fell asleep, the wrappers were all over the floor & nightstand! I was laughing!

I love you so much!

8/26/21 – Up Way Too Early

You woke up and came to my room around 5:30am, completely dressed, carrying your shoes, ready to wake Jackie up to go lizard hunting. It took quite a bit to get you to lay down and go back to sleep. Then, it was tough to wake you up!!! You did get up, do your jobs and ate a good breakfast with Jackie. You looked quickly for lizards, but then we had to head to school. On the way, you told me you were hungry, so you dug into your lunch! When we got to your special path, you ran up to the gate with some friends you knew. You almost didn’t even take your lunch box!!!! I love seeing you so happy to go to school!

I picked you up & we went to gymnastics. You unicorn bookbag was finally delivered today & you were so excited to see it. We sat in the parking lot for a minute so you could unpack your mermaid backpack and loaded everything into your new bag. You insisted on bringing it into the gym. Daddy met me at the gym and took you home so Jackie & I could go to dinner. When you guys got home, you walked Harold and you ate two bowls of ziti. When we got home, you wanted to watch a little tv with Jackie while I took Daddy to man night. When I got home, the three of us went to your room to read books. You were snoring in 10 minutes!!!

I love you so much!