7/27/21 – Kindergarten Assessment!

You were sleeping so peacefully, but I started trying to wake you up around 8:30a. I rubbed your head for about 10 minutes trying to waked you up, then I whispered in your ear “I have a surprise for you…and after the surprise, we will stop for a donut.” You immediately sat straight up and flew out of bed to get dressed, brush teeth & we were in the car in 15 minutes!

On the way to there you were asking me what the surprise is. About half way there, I told you since we couldn’t get into school before, we were going to be able to go inside today to look around and meet some of the teachers. You said “that’s not really a surprise. A toy is a surprise!” I laughed…you are always on point!

We arrived at Bay Haven for your kindergarten assessment. It was so sweet. We were so warmly welcomed by everyone we saw. The teacher who helped you saw on your form that you went to Discovery Days. She said was Ms Jenny’s best friend! Every single person there looked genuinely excited to see the kids. You eagerly followed Ms. Nasby to the table and sat and strutted your stuff showing her your mastery of your alphabet letters & sounds, numbers and sight words. You looked comfortable immediately, which made me feel 80000000 times better. The school is really cute inside. I was anxious that we couldn’t go inside before. When you finished, you walked over to me with Ms. Nasby. She told me you did an amazing job and of course you were great at the types of things they were asking and the one on one setting was the best play to your strong suit. She said “ I can really see her personality. She’s really cute! ” You drew a picture of me and showed Ms. Nasby telling her “these are mommy’s boobs!” I about died lol!

When we left, we were turning onto 41 to head to Publix to get a donut. There was a new place called Jacks Donuts that will be opening soon. You told me “ I want to ride my bike home everyday & stop at Jacks Donuts everyday! ” I told you I can’t wait to live so close to school and that you can always invite friends over after school when you want. I look forward to hosting fun times for you and your friends a million times. I hope that you always want to bring your friends home and enjoy growing up in this neighborhood. It means so much to me!

We grabbed our donut and headed to theater. You still didn’t want me to leave, but today’s drop off wasn’t nearly as dramatic as yesterday. When I picked you up we headed home to make dinner. When Daddy got home, you told him all about your day at school. After dinner, you guys rode bikes and then you lined up all the chairs in the living room. I ran an errand real quick and when I came home I was cracking up when I saw this!

We headed to your room at 8p to start reading books. You were wiggly and it took a little time, but you were asleep around around 9p. Going to bed earlier has definitely been good for you! Today was a big day, even though you didn’t know it going in. I know you will shine at Bay Haven and I’m proud and excited to have a front row seat to watch you rock!

I love you so much!

7/26/21 – I Miss You When You Are Gone

I let you sleep until almost 9a. When you did wake up, you ran to your room to get dressed and brushed teeth. You wanted to paint your nails, so I did even though we were running tight on time because you were listening so well. You were happy until we got to theater camp. You had a really hard time letting me leave. You clung to me crying, said “Mom, I miss you when you are gone.” Ms. Lacey tried several times to help distract you asking for help with the balance beam and coloring. I finally got you to sit at the art table to color, hoping I could sneak away unnoticed, but you felt every step I took and kept grabbing my hand. You were so very sad & I felt so bad. Ms. Lacey let you call me from her phone to check in with me. You told me you miss me, but that you were coloring. I asked if you were ok and you said no. You said “ok, I’m gonna go eat my cottage cheese!” I talked to Lacey and she reassured me that she let you sit by yourself by the window and look out when I left and that after about 10 minutes you were good to go. That made me feel better!

When I picked you up, you gave me the biggest hug. You asked for a lollipop, so we ran to Whole Foods to get one (unfortunately the only box was a 60 pack, so now we have 59 lol). You ran the self check out and scanned all of our items and paid. We went home to ride your Bolt scooter and cook dinner. You called Grandma Noot and we FaceTimed with Daddy. After dinner, we did some puzzles and then you snuggled on the couch with Daddy watching part of a movie. I wanted to get you to bed a little earlier, so we turned the TV off at 8:15p to brush teeth and potty. You climbed in your bed with me and Daddy read a story. You were out by 8:40p.

I love you so much!

7/25/21 – Mama’s Gonna Miss All The Fun!

Around 7a you popped up out of bed, went the bathroom, grabbed a fistful of crackers that were on the nightstand from last night (you threw them down and said “ugh these are stale”) and then tried to wake Daddy up. I got you to to climb back in bed with me and snuggle. You were back to snoring in one minute! Bianca kept coming in our room to see if you were up yet. Finally, you woke up at 10a which was much better.

I made breakfast in the condo and then we headed to the pool. You and Bianca held hands the whole walk to the pool. You were both excited to use your matching mermaid fins. There were pool games that the hotel put on and you had to throw up a water balloon and clap. You got super frustrated when your balloon broke and it took a bit to get you back to happy. You never want to go to sleep with Bianca, but you are always grumpy when you don’t get enough sleep lol. You were happy again, riding the slide with me and Bianca and Daddy let you climb on the rocks (despite the sign advising not to lol). We swam and played hard until about 5p. Then we headed back to the condo to shower, pack the car and head to dinner before going home.

We walked in the restaurant and they had a claw machine. You both wanted to try it despite us telling you that they are almost impossible to win. Of course you were both mad when we didn’t win, but then we got out the water wow books and Bianca got out the Hatchimals she got for her birthday and you guys were happier. When the food came, you got even happier. You wolfed down 1/4 rack of ribs and used the dinner rolls to make rib sandwiches. You were pretty proud of yourself for that!

I wanted you to fall asleep on the way home so I pretended to sleep. You asked me a question and I didn’t answer. You said to Daddy “Oh mama’s passed out. She’s gonna miss all the fun!” Eventually you did fall asleep and when we got home, I didn’t even take your clothes off. You played so hard and had so much fun this weekend.

I love you so much!

7/24/21 – I Prefer To Live In A Tent!

You slept in this morning until around 9am. When you got up, you played with Daddy while I ran to get my nails done. He made you an egg sandwich for breakfast, but while you were eating, walking around with it, Harry stole it.

When I came home, you had a tent on my bed that you told me you were “living in” and you let daddy visit!! You told me “I prefer to live in a tent!” while eating Babybel cheese! I was cracking up!

I made a quick lunch before we headed to Orange Lake to meet Bianca and her family. I was hoping you would take a nap in the car, but you didn’t. It turned into a bit of an upset with a decent amount of back talk. Daddy was losing his cool, so I got you out of the car in a parking lot to walk and take a break from the car. I was hoping that would help but you still didn’t sleep. I finally asked again if you were hungry. You said yes and wolfed down a ham sandwich before we got to the condo. You were pleasant the rest of the night.

When we arrived, Bianca ran out to the car to give you a hug. You guys played a little and we headed to the pool to swim and have dinner. We stayed until the pool closed at 11p. On the drive back to our condo, you and Bianca were dancing to Dance Monkey & Old Town Road, super excited not to be in car seats (since we were just driving on the private road inside the resort).

When we got back to the condo, you guys showered and then played, ate snacks in my bed and watched TV. Neither of you acted tired and I finally got you to come to bed in my room at 1am!! You were going to snuggle in bed with Daddy, but then popped up and came over to me. Once you finally laid down you were out in two seconds!

I love you so much!

7/23/21 – Chickee Cheese!

You have gone to bed too late every night this week. I keep letting you sleep in because I know you need it. I had to try to get to you to wake up before Carlos came. It was 8:50a before you finally got out of bed! You went to get dressed because you were excited to go to Bianca’s birthday party. When you came out of your room, you had on a tank top, Discovery Days golf shirt, and a long sleeve frozen shirt with shorts under a pair of yoga pants with your knee high butterfly socks! I tried to tell you that you would be too hot, but you insisted. We got out of the house and we’re 2 min late to theater, which starts at 9:30a!!

Daddy & I went to see your performance. You were so happy to see us, but especially Daddy. You were amazing!

You went to my office & chatted everyone up. You typed & printed Word documents that you handed out to everyone. You told Bianca “I’m giving one to almost everyone who works here.” She was cracking up! You pushed a chair up to the refrigerator, climbed up and grabbed entire box of snacks, took them to my office, then told me not to come in.

We went home to change and head to Bianca’s birthday party at “Chickee Cheese” in St. Pete. I was concerned because the party wasn’t until 7:30p & I knew we would get home too late. We parked at the same time as Bianca and when you both got out of the car you were so excited to see each other. You gave each other huge hugs and held hands as you walked in. You were so busy playing games you didn’t want to eat. You only had one piece of pizza and a bite of cake. You were hungry and tired. Dangerous combo. After 9p, you went to play a game but your time had lapsed on your band. That made you really mad and when I tried to talk to you, you got really mad, screamed “Stupid Mom” at me and stormed away. I went over to calm you down but you got more mad, so I told you we needed to go home. You yelled at me again, so I picked you up and carried you out of the building. You were mad, so was I. You called me stupid again in the car and kicked me. I was mad, but I knew you were just exhausted. When you calmed down we talked and you apologized. You fell asleep on the way home. I hate that you get so upset sometimes, but I told you I will always love you no matter what.

I love you so much!

7/22/21 – I Love When We’re Both Green And We Match!

You slept until 8:40a. When you finally came out of my room you were eye rubbing & squinting and headed to the couch. You asked me “do I have theater today?” I told you “you do, but we have to go to Miss Michelle first.” You ran immediately to brush your teeth and get dressed because you were so excited to see her and bring your lions to her.

When we got to theater you kissed me in the hall and walked in confidently saying “Bye mom!”

When I picked you up, we went to Publix to get snacks, drove by the lot & went to Indian beach to sit on bench to eat and kill time before gymnastics. You were sitting on the ledge swinging your feet and said “Mom, I love when we’re both green and we match!”

Today’s gymnastics class was great. You are getting so strong and doing so well on the bars.

When you finished, we went home to have a cookout with Daddy, Chrissy & Olivia. After dinner, we went outside to go bike riding. Chrissy let Olivia ride on your bike bar with you. I was nervous because I was afraid she might fall, but you loved it. Then, Lauren brought Captain out so you got to ride with him. Unfortunately, you crashed into Chrissy’s car because you were not looking. You cried a little but recovered pretty quickly. Chrissy left and we went inside & played for a bit. You wanted a snack then we headed to bed, read three books and you were snoring in just a few minutes!

I love you so much!

7/21/21 – Snoring UNDER The Couch!

When I got out of the shower you had rolled over to the edge of the bed, pulled the covers over your face and just your hands were sticking out of the sheets! As soon as you woke up and opened your eyes you asked “where’s Jack?” You jumped out of bed to go find here and get dressed. You guys did puzzles while having breakfast at the bar and then had a dance party! On the way to theater we stopped at Publix for a donut, which made your day!

We picked you up from theater then took Jackie and Marina to the lot. We came back to my office & played class while waiting for me to finish on the phone. You were sad and whiny. Then all of a sudden, you fell asleep under my couch in my office. I thought you were playing hide and seek and then I heard you snoring.

As soon as I finished, we headed home to make dinner. We took a bike ride with Harry. We were all up late all week, so me, you & Daddy all went to bed at 9p together in our bed.

I love you so much!

7/20/21 – I Was Looking For You!

You came to my bed around 5a and said “Mommy, I was crying and sad looking for you when I went to bed.” You snuggled up against me and went right back to sleep. I snuggled up with you in bed trying to wake you up. You got up, got dressed and looked for your Minnie Mouses to give them a bath in your sink! You gave me what for that I put them away after I got home. You said “when I woke up, I head to my bedroom, get dressed, then I looked at my couch and saw no Minnies. I was super frustrated!”

When I picked you up, we were headed to Target and then Whole Foods, but you fell asleep in the car – absolutely no surprise! So I let you sleep and when you woke up around 5p we ran into Publix to get a few things that Whole Foods didn’t have. Jackie and the Romos came for shrimp tacos for dinner. You danced with Daddy and we made s’mores. We headed to bed around 10 and you were out in just a few minutes!

I love you so much!

7/19/21 – I Want Mommy!

You slept until 9:15a. I went to your room to gently try to wake you up. I cracked the blinds about an inch just to try to give you some sunlight, kissed you on the forehead and whispered it’s time to get up. I left your room and went to finish packing your lunch and a few minutes later you came out all dressed giggling ready to roll. I took you to theater you were wearing your Halloween shirt and your Fourth of July shorts.

When I picked you up you wanted to get a mermaid milkshake at SaraFresh Juice. I took you back to my office because I had a quick closing to sign. The lender wasn’t ready we were there until almost 7p. Daddy came to get you about 5:30p. You were in the office with Jackie playing class and showing her how to draw art on the white board She gave you a flamingo pool floaty and a flamingo snow globe because she thought you would love them.

I went to dinner with Jackie Marina and Aunt Deb. You tried to tell Daddy you didn’t want any dinner. You washed all your Minnie Mouses in the bathroom sink then went to bed. You were laying in bed and Daddy read 6 books to you. You told him you want an iPad and that you have to earn it. You were laying with him and crying for me. You tried so hard to wait up for me. You finally fell asleep at 10:30p. I got home a few min later. I felt so bad when he showed me the video of you asking for me. I went to your room to kiss you goodnight. I hate not putting you to bed. I love going to dinner with my girls, but I love ending my night with your struggles more!

I love you so much!

7/18/21 – Dad, You Want Coffee To Wake Up?

You slept in this morning until a little after 8a. You snuggled Daddy out of the bed when he got up to pee so he was sleeping in the bunk bed. He came back to lay in our bed for a little bit. You were all over him, chatting and snuggling with him. We got up to get ready for breakfast. You said “Dad you want coffee to wake up?” and made him a cup. It was so sweet! We headed down to meet the Sessa for breakfast. You, Roman & Rafe played in the Lego room before and after we ate. What a great concept! You really enjoyed playing while we chatted.

After breakfast we headed to the park for a little while. It was a ghost town again in the morning. It was much hotter today so I knew you weren’t going to last too long. We rode Coastersaurus and there was a girl a few years older than you crying hard because she was scared to ride it. You were telling her “there’s noting to be afraid of. I rode this yesterday. It’s fun!” She ended up getting off the ride. You told me “sometimes I’m scared and sometimes I want to ride Coastersaurus.” You are so awesome and willing to try new things! We did the Flying School for the first time. You were a little nervous, but you really loved it. You wanted to ride the Joust & Dragon coaster so Daddy took you (while I ran to look for your missing water bottle) and when you got off, the face paint artists were open so you got your face painted like a ninja! You were absolutely over the moon about it. You looked soooooo cute! It was starting to get hot so we headed to the front of the park, rode a few rides along the way and then played in the school section of the park. You were hot, tired & hungry, so we left the park and went to lunch. I thought for sure you would sleep on the way home, but instead we played, tickled each other and giggled. I think you laughed literally the entire ride home! This was the best weekend we could have had!! It was fun to have so many kids to play with and to bring Daddy!

We unpacked, made dinner and watched a little tv before heading to bed. You laid down and you were out in 2 minutes flat!

I love you so much!!!